OGWhatsApp APK Download Latest Version v21.00.0

If you are looking for the Latest Version of OGWhatsApp to experience some cool new features then you are in the right place. This post provides you with the updated version of the OG WhatsApp apk file to download.

As usual, the latest version of WhatsApp has introduced more features and fixed the bug that users were complaining about in the previous one. So, download the new updated OG WhatsApp version 21.00.0 for Android and try these awesome new features.

OGWhatsApp APK File Information:

App NameOG Whatsapp
File Size56 MB
Android Version Required5.0+
Last updated1 day ago

What is OG WhatsApp 2024?

OGWhatsApp is a modded version of WhatsApp developed by third-party developers. It offers many unique features that the original WhatsApp does not have.

The most notable feature of OGWhatsApp is its advanced security and privacy features. The developers of the app did a great job at making it secure. The app allows you to have full control over your messages, calls, photos, videos, and other data.

Another fantastic feature is it’s antiban feature. So no worries about getting banned for using moded WhatsApp.

These types of advanced features in the moded OGWhatsApp make it popular among android users.

Features of OGWhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the world’s most popular instant messaging apps. It is free but offers limited features. WhatsApp has strict rules on how to use the app and there are a lot of limitations on each feature.

To solve this problem, there are third-party developers who have created modded versions of the apps like OGWhatsApp, GB WhatsApp, FMWhatsApp, AeroWhstapp, and WhatsApp Plus.

So let’s dig into all the unique features of OGWhatsApp

Pre-Built-Message scheduler

OG WhatsApp comes with a built-in scheduler feature. The built-in scheduler in OGWhatsApp will allow you to create a message that will be sent at a specific time.

The great advantage of this feature is that you can wish someone in time or schedule any important information.


The latest version of OGWhatsApp comes with an antiban feature. This will help prevent your official WhatsApp account from being banned. This feature gives you more peace of mind So it is 100% Safe and Secure to use.


The OGWhatsApp has an anti-delete feature that allows users to see if someone removed their messages. 

Password Protected chats:

This is a very important feature present in OGWhatsApp. It helps you to set a password for a particular chat. This feature is not available on the Original WhatsApp.

Inbuilt WhatsApp Locker:

Use this WhatsApp messenger lock to lock your entire messaging app with a password or fingerprint. Even if your device is lost, no one will be able to access your messaging service without your password.

Inbuilt Status Download

You can download status updates from friends and family on the go. This is not available on the Original WhatsApp.

Calling Without Saving a contact

This is another fantastic feature of OGWhatsApp. It allows you to call a person without saving his/her contact details. You have to save a contact in order to text or call on official WhatsApp which is quite time-consuming.

Colorful Themes:

OGWhatsApp comes with 1000 different colorful themes you will love. So you won’t get bored by WhatsApp’s default theme. Just go to the setting and keep the theme that you like.

Increased Characters For Written Status:

The written status limit on the original WhatsApp is 160 characters. But the modded OGWhatsApp allows you to send a written status up to 250 characters. So you can share more information with your friends.

Set Group name more than 35 characters

You can set the group name to more than 35 characters. This is not possible on the official WhatsApp.

Block a particular contact’s calls

You can block a particular contact from calling you on WhatsApp.

Send more than 90 images

You can send more than 90 images in a single message. This is not possible on the official WhatsApp.

Dual Accounts:

You can use two WhatsApp accounts on a single device. So you can manage both your personal and professional life on a single device.

How to download OG WhatsApp APK

Download the OGWhatsApp APK file from the link below. We have added the upgraded version here. Then you can easily install the APK file on your device by following the below guide. 

How to Install OG WhatsApp?

Step 1: First of all, you need to download the APK file from the link given above.

Step 2: After downloading the file, open the file using any file manager app.

Step 3: Tap on the file and tap on the “Install” option.

Step 4: Now, the installation process will start.

OG Whatsapp Install Step 1

Step 5: Once the installation is completed, you can now enjoy the best features of OG WhatsApp.

OG Whatsapp Install Step 2

How to Update OG WhatsApp

The OGWhatsApp can be upgraded to the latest version by two different methods 

Method 1: By Visiting the GBApp.info website

We are actively uploading the latest version of OGWhatsApp here on this website. You can easily update your app by visiting our website.

Method 2: Directly from the OGWhatsApp App

If you don’t want to visit the website, then you can easily install the upgraded version directly from the OGWhatsa app setting. Follow the below steps to upgrade your OG WhatsApp to the Latest Version

Step 1: First of all, Click on the three-dot icon present in the top right corner of OG WhatsApp.

OG Whatsapp Update Step 1

Step 2:  Then Click on OG Setting.

OG Whatsapp Update Step 2

Step 3: You will find the option to update the OG WhatsApp.

OG Whatsapp Update Step 3

Step 3: Tap on the update button.

Step 4: Then the updated version app will be downloaded to your mobile. You can update it by clicking on the file.

Step 5: Once the update is completed, you can now enjoy all the latest features of OG WhatsApp.

Some FAQ About OG WhatsApp

Is OG WhatsApp safe?

Yes, OG WhatsApp is safe and secure. There is no malware or virus in it. It is a very light application. So you can safely use it on your Android device.

Is OG WhatsApp Free?

Yes, it is completely free. You don’t have to pay anything for using this application.

How to download OG WhatsApp?

To download OG WhatsApp, visit GBApp.info and then click on the Download button.

Can I install OG WhatsApp on my Android device?

Yes, you can install OG WhatsApp on your Android device. Make sure that the android version is Android 5 or later.

What is the difference between OG WhatsApp and Official WhatsApp?

Both GBWhatsApp and WhatsApp are almost the same in terms of interface, installation, and sending and receiving messages. The only difference between them is the additional features provided by the OG WhatsApp.


OG WhatsApp is the best-modified version of the official WhatsApp. It has some great features which make it a better choice than the official WhatsApp. So, if you want to experience exciting and additional features that the original WhatsApp lacks then you should definitely try OG WhatsApp.

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